The postal service and your internet service provider also use a relatively simple naming scheme. 邮政服务和您的互联网服务提供商也使用一个相对简单的命名方案。
You have packaged your radiology application, which is a service provider. 您已经打包了您的Radiology应用程序,这是一个服务提供商。
You are ready to deploy the service provider and service client applications to WebSphere Application Server. 现在可以将服务提供者和服务客户机应用程序部署到WebSphereApplicationServer上了。
WSDL documents provide a contract between a Web service consumer and a Web service provider. WSDL文档提供了Web服务使用者和Web服务提供者之间的一个契约。
The bus takes responsibility for delivering requests to a service provider offering the required function and QoS. 总线负责将请求交付给提供所需功能和QoS的服务提供者。
The first server has a service consumer and an external service provider. 第一台服务器有一个服务客户和一个外部服务提供商。
In the context of the ESB, we view this application as a service provider. 在ESB的上下文中,我们作为一个服务提供程序来查看此应用程序。
The service interface defines the interaction between the service client and the service provider. 服务接口定义服务客户机和服务提供者之间的交互。
There's a notion of a service consumer and a service provider. 存在“服务使用者”和“服务提供者”这两个不同的概念。
Many service consumers can ( and in an ideal SOA, do) use one service provider. 多个服务使用者可以使用一个服务提供者(在理想的SOA中是这样)。
Each software service can act as a service provider or requester. 每个软件服务均可充当一个服务提供者或请求者。
The service provider ( server view) describes how a service is implemented and registered. 服务提供商(服务器视图)描述了服务的实现和注册方式。
The service provider uses the management UI to control access to the Web service. 服务提供者使用管理UI来控制对Web服务的访问。
A service specification is used as the contract between a service provider and a service consumer. 服务规范充当了服务提供者和服务使用者之间的协议。
In SOA, a service consumer interacts with a service provider to accomplish some business task. 在SOA中,服务使用者与服务提供者进行交互以完成某个业务任务。
The service provider is a software element that provides one or more services. 服务提供者是一个提供一个或者多个服务的软件元素。
Both the service provider and the subscriber access the billing system for the current usage charges. 服务提供者和订户都通过访问计费系统获知当前的使用费用。
Intermediaries are entities positioned between a client and service provider that provide additional functionality and value-added services. 中介体是位于客户机和服务提供者之间的实体,它提供额外的功能和增值服务。
In all the scenarios we introduced, one service requester was invoking one service provider. 在我们介绍的所有场景中,都是一个服务请求者调用一个服务提供者。
There are three key players in OAuth: user, consumer, and service provider ( see sidebar). 在OAuth中有3个主要角色:用户、使用者和服务提供商(参见侧栏)。
The basic relationship between a web service provider and the service requesters is request and response. Web服务提供程序和服务请求程序之间的基本关系是请求和响应的关系。
The service proxy selects a service provider from its list of available providers. 服务代理从其可用提供者列表中选择服务提供者。
When any new customer registers with the service provider, a dedicated network is assigned to the customer. 当有新客户向服务提供商注册时,就会向该客户分配一个专用网络。
As with Web services, there are two key roles in SOA: service requestor and service provider. 同Web服务一样,面向对象的体系结构(SOA)中有两个关键角色:服务请求者和服务提供者。
SOA encapsulates the organization as a service provider; it interacts with other organizations by providing and consuming services. SOA将组织封装为服务提供者;它通过提供和消费服务来同其他组织进行交互。
The OrderProcessor service provider provides a single service specification, Purchasing, through its purchasing service port. OrderProcessor服务提供者通过它的购买服务端口提供了一个简单的服务规范Purchasing。
Architectures such as this one will simplify the acceptance of Web services into service provider environments. 像本文中介绍的这种体系架构将可以简化Web服务进入服务提供者环境的接受过程。
You have chosen to setup a new account with this Internet service provider. 您已经选择要通过该internet服务提供商建立新帐户。
The basic role of a broker is to provide match-making services between a service requester and a service provider. 代理的基本职责是在服务请求者和服务提供者之间提供匹配服务。
It is the responsibility of your network service provider to install new wires and equipments according to the requirements. 它的职责是你的网络服务供应商安装新的电线和设备,根据有关的规定。